CBSE Aff. No.930600
P.B.No.18, Pius Gardens, Kothamangalam, Ernakulam, Kerala. - 686691
(0485) 2862056, 7561804018 sobhanacbse@gmail.com

How to Apply
1. Every candidate for admission must be introduced in person by parent or guardian
2. Admission is restricted by certain policies of the Management and by conditions of age , ability and conduct.
3. The fees once paid will not be refunded, even if the pupil, for any reason, leaves the school immediately after the remittance.
4. Those, seeking new admission have to produce their Transfer Certificate from the school last attended. Those seeking admission in class 1 have to produce Birth Certificates and Aadhar.
5. No child younger than Six or older than seven is admitted to class - 1
6. Every pupil is required to put in attendance of not less than 90% of the total number of working days. Unauthorized continuous absence of 15 working days will involve the removal of the pupils name from the rolls. Absentees must be entered in the Leave Record.
7. The authority reserves the right to refuse admission to a pupil without assigning the reason. They also reserve the right to dismiss students whose diligence or progress in studies is constantly unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students or whose parents show little interest in the progress of thier wards.
8. All students are sincerely exhorted to cultivate the habit of morning and evening prayer. Catholic parents should do well to encourage their children in this regard.
1. Application for Transfer Certificate must be submitted in writing in the prescribed form by the parents. A clear month’s notice of withdrawal must be given.
2. In the event of withdrawal of a student from the school, all dues must be cleared before the Transfer Certificate is issued.
3. A nominal fee will be charged for the issue of a Transfer Certificate.
1. The school management reserves in itself the right to dismiss students who continuously fail to make satisfactory progress in their studies or whose conduct is, in a way, detrimental to the orderly life of the school.
2. Use or attempt to use unfair means in exams, tests and assignments are sufficient to cause dismissal.
3. Students who indulge in political propaganda, who organize fellow students in political factions on the premises of the school, or who otherwise engage themselves in party politics are liable to be expelled from the school.